28 April 2006


Do any of you on myspace have a "friend" who is not really your friend, but really more of an acquaintance who posts comments all of the time? Well, I do and everytime this said person posts a comment it just makes me feel even more sorry for the person than I already did which makes me feel like a bad person.


katie g. said...

I wish you quit talking about me like this. It's really starting to hurt my feelings...

Anonymous said...

You must mean Katie g's friend Carole..the nice biker lady!

Anonymous said...

I know Peyton, Katie can be kind of clingy, but you shouldn't feel bad for her.

molly said...

i have a "friend" who does that. and she just leaves those stupid, glittery, flashing, "just stopped by to say hi" things. that isn't even a comment! i would never say hi to this girl in anyother sitation. weirdo.