24 February 2008

The Oscars are tonight and I am kind of excited. One of Jamie's friends from law school is having a little get together so we can all watch the show together. Usually, I do not venture out on a Sunday night at that hour (aka: after dark). But, she only lives a block away, so there is no excuse... my usual excuse for not attending social engagements is because someone live too far away. Basically, if I have to take the train and the event starts after 8, I will not be in attendance.

Anywho, my main reason for the excitement is the Oscar pool we have going at the office. We all put $3 in the pool and filled out our ballots. Although I have not seen any of the movies that are nominated, I have confidence in my ability to guess. Last year, I only saw one of the movies that was nominated and I won a Chipotle burrito. Hopefully, I will win again this year. Wish me luck and have a wonderful Oscar night!


Anonymous said...

The party sounds like fun! I wish someone I knew was having one. I haven't seen any of the movies either, and I'll probably skip watching the ceremony tonight. It's too long and drawn out to watch by yourself.

p.s. I hope you win big in the office pool!

PrincessGreen17 said...

I watched the broadcast on and off...how did you do?

katie g. said...

So...spill it...did you when a delicious burrito?

Anonymous said...

I'm tagging you to post 6 quirks about yourself! See my blog for the rules.