I know it has been forever since I have blogged... I have just been going with the flow of life lately.
The summer was spent going between Chicago and DC to visit my honey who was clerking for the courts in our nation's capital. It was a nice chance to explore the DC area and to reconnect with my 1st cousin once removed, her husband, and her son since Jamie was staying with them, rent-free.
In fact, it opened the door of communication so much that her neice (my second cousin) came to live with us this month to do a medical rotation here in Chicago. I am a bit of a hypochondriac, so having her here has been so great (for me). Let me just tell you, she is going to make an awesome doctor. Not only is she super smart, but she is also so much fun. Her little brother came last week to visit my college and he is a super cool guy, too. He is going to be an amazing artist one day... and hopefully, he will be moving to Chicago soon to attend art school.
I'll tell you, it has been so nice to reconnect with family. After losing my only first cousin, it has been kind of lonely knowing that I am all alone on this side of the family. Hearing about how my second cousins all get together at the holidays makes me a little jealous. Our holidays are a little depressing. It is me and the old folks at the holidays, so it doesn't get to rowdy, especially since my brother spends the holidays away (a whole other story I don't want to get into).
It is going to be kind of sad to see my cousin leave at the end of the week. Our next houseguest will be a co-worker/friend who is living with us until the end of October when she moves back to the east coast. Having her stay with us will be great. It is sad knowing that she is not going to be around anymore, so I am going to appreciate having a little extra time to spend with her before she leaves. After my cousin's death, she was one of the few people who was there for me when I needed it most. Letting her stay with us is the least I could do for someone who did so much to help me through that painful time. Plus, the kitties LOVE her (she kept them all summer when I was in DC).
We are not expecting anymore guests after October which I am not too happy about... I was hoping to have Thanksgiving guests, but I think that has fizzled. This year's Thanksgiving is (was) going to be awesome because I have a Christmas tree that I was planning on decorating the day after Thanksgiving with my guest(s). If this guest(s) would consider changing their mind, it would be the best thing ever. I would even help pay for the flight (you know who you are)... no pressure.
Anyway, we are settled back in the windy city (for now), slowly getting back to our routine. Now, if I could only kick this cold. Much like Katie, I catch every cold that comes within 5 feet of me... I guess that is a sign that I need to take better care of myself.
Anyway, Happy Fall!