07 November 2006

Another Sullivan Building burns down...

This building from the late 1880s caught fire a couple of weeks ago exactly 1 block from my work and 2 blocks from my apartment. It served as the George Diamond Steakhouse which was a popular star spot in the 60s and 70s. Anyway, it burned from Tuesday through Saturday (yes, you heard me- 4 days.) The first night I stood on the roof for hours with a couple of friends watching this thing burn. I was completely prepared with binoculars, the scope, a camera, and a 12-pack of Amstel Light.

Here are some photos of the fire...




Lora Leigh said...

I'm guessing by the lack of alarm that this building burning thing is normal? Why did it catch fire (old age or did someone contribute by leaving their coffee machine on during their vacation week)?

Peyton said...

It was an abandoned building... Supposedly, it was an accident, but I have my doubts considering that the vacant property is worth more than the actual building since it was historical... not to mention that the family decided to sell the property the week before it burned down.

Very suspicious, indeed.

Avery's mom said...

four days to burn? wow! alot of flamable material I suppose.
super cool to see at night but I dont know that I would have like it being quite so nearby.
glad you were safe. Guess the amstel was incase you needed to exstinguish flames ;)